Today, Sunday 02/02/2020, is a unique palindrome that hasn’t happened in over 900 years.
It has the distinction reading the same backward and forward in multiple date formats. So whether you write out the date “Month/Day/Year” or “Day/Month/Year,” this eight-digit palindrome still works.
The last time such a date occurred was 11/11/1111.
This “ubiquitous palindrome” won’t happen again for another 101 years, with the next date being 12/12/2121.
We are so lucky to have such a special palindrome date occurring in our lifetime because it’s so rare.
It is difficult to find an eight-digit palindrome, and then even rarer to find one that is as international as this one.
In this century, in the American date system — which is month, day, year — there are 12 eight-digit palindrome dates.
At just after 2 a.m., it was 02:02:20 on 02/02/2020
Number 0 is a powerful number to receive from the Universe. It's considered as the HIGHEST and the beginning of everything however, NOTHING in the Universe has a beginning nor an end so, number 0 encompasses the attributes of all other numbers. Due to the number 0, energies of number 2 aslo gets amplified. Number 0 is more related to the Spiritual aspects of life.
It is the indicator of eternity, infinity, wholeness and oneness.
