Weight loss is difficult to achieve and sustain, and we are confronted by MANY diets that offer easy, effortless, and fast success. These diets are often rigid and prescriptive in their approach, and as they may not address the eating habits that cause the weight gain in the first place, we often find ourselves regaining the weight we have lost.
Face the facts
The key to successful weight loss is to identify the habits that contribute to your weight gain and develop the knowledge and skills to adopt healthier lifestyle habits in the long term.
The three components of change are:
1. Nutrition Behaviour modification (changing to habits that promote weight control)
2. Exercise that you will enjoy, and is time and cost effective. Walking on weekends is always a good start.
3. Whether we like it or not, it's always about the CALORIES!!!!!
Apart from nutrients, all foods and drinks provide our bodies with energy measured in kilojoules. In order to lose weight, we must provide our bodies with LESS energy than it requires. This energy deficit causes our bodies to use their fat stores as a source of energy, which is when we start to lose weight. A good eating plan should prevent feelings of starvation or deprivation, which can cause us to give up and return to our previous unhealthy eating habits.
Get an individualised eating plan. There is no such thing as a "one diet fits all" eating plan. We are different in what we require to lose weight, as age, gender, height, activity level and amount of weight to lose all play a role. Even more important is that the plan needs to take into account your budget, current lifestyle/work constraints, culture and what the family eats. Bearing this in mind will facilitate adherence. It is recommended that you consult with a dietitian for an individualised plan based on your unique circumstances.
SUPPORT. It can be difficult to achieve healthy eating skills on your own. To start off, make a commitment to see your dietitian or Weigh-Less group leader on a weekly or two weekly basis to acquire and reinforce these skills.
Over time, as you master the situation, you will need less support and may find your family and friends can help you to stay focused and motivated.
People who successfully lose weight frequently report that constant support from a "buddy" or health professional helped them to persevere, persist and exercise patience when they wanted to give up. Although personal contact is always best, even telephone support or an internet buddy are more effective than trying to do it alone.
Key skills for successful weight loss have found in a weight-loss study where the participants lost an average of 66 LBS and maintained a minimum weight loss of 30 LBS for five years, participants applied the following key skills:
1. Follow a nutritionally balanced eating plan with appropriate portions of all foods. Don’t weigh yourself daily, as fat takes a while to disappear. Daily fluctuations reflect water changes remember that 60% of your body consists of water.
2. Exercise (walking) for approximately one hour a day, every day. Aim for 10 000 steps.
3. Adopt realistic weight-loss goals.
4. Recognise that weight control requires ongoing commitment
5. Confront your problems and find solutions; don’t use food as a coping mechanism.
6. Learn to enjoy “treats” without guilt by controlling their frequency and quantity.
7. Use the support of family, friends and health care professionals to manage lapses.
